
Organics Reward

The Organics Reward supports eligible schools, businesses and nonprofits to start or expand organics (food scraps) collection. 

Applicants may receive up to $5,000 in reimbursements for organics hauling costs. Eligible hauling services include commercially source-separated organics and food-to-hogs.

Reimbursement is available as follows:

  • Reimbursement for three months of service, up to $5,000, for starting a new service.
  • Reimbursement for two months of service, up to $5,000, for improving an existing service.

Download full grant guidelines here.

For assistance improving your organics collections, consider applying for a Recycling Grant.

Applications are accepted anytime.


Use of Funds

To Apply

Amy from 21 Roots Farm in Grant recommends BizRecycling sharing that it was very helpful—especially as a small non-profit with not a lot of funds. BizRecycling helped us to become more sustainable!