There are a couple of easy steps you must take before receiving your final $250 payment
The Final On-Site Visit
Your Recycling Expert will contact you within a couple months of your grant closing. They will coordinate a time to conduct their final on-site visit to evaluate the success of your recycling and/or organics program. They can help you prepare for the post-grant survey.
Preparing for the Post-Grant Survey
The post-grant survey will take about 15 minutes of your time. Before beginning it, we suggest you gather the necessary information. For your current trash, recycling, and organics/food waste programs, you will need to know:
You will also need to know what materials your organization is currently recycling. If your organization collects organics, you need to know what kind of program you have.
Finally, we ask you to provide a short testimonial highlighting your accomplishments or successes with BizRecycling. This information will be used in our efforts to promote the success of your business with the BizRecycling program, and may be included in marketing or social media.
Please provide as much information as you can. Your answers help us determine the overall success of the BizRecycling program, and allows us to continually improve what we are doing to help businesses recycle better. We appreciate your participation with BizRecycling!
Grant Closeout FAQs
When does my grant agreement end?
BizRecycling grants are 18 months long. Grants need to be closed prior to the contract end date.
Where can I find my contract end date?
Your contract end date can be found in your grant agreement on the “Terms & Conditions” page. If you cannot find your BizRecycling grant agreement, please contact us here and we can email/send you a copy.
I have questions on the post-grant survey. Who can I contact for help?
You can contact BizRecycling or your Recycling Expert at any time during the grant closeout process. We are happy to help you!